General Surgery Blogs

Dr. Steven Williams in Boise, Idaho


Reasons to Call Your Surgeon's Office Post-Op

Dr. Steve Williams | surgery, recovery, post-op | General Surgery | | View Counts (10660) |Return|

For most people, the time after a surgical procedure is filled with resting and getting the body back to the way that it was before the surgery took place. Most of the time, there aren't any setbacks that would require a visit to the doctor in the days immediately after surgery, but there are a few things that you want to look for that could be a concern.

The most common reason why you would want to call the surgeon's office is because of signs of an infection. One of the initial signs is a fever. You could also see drainage from the incision site.

The incision could also become swollen, turn red or have a foul smell. Increased pain after any kind of movement could also mean that there is an infection present. This could also mean that there is something wrong with the surgical site itself. At times, another surgery is required to ensure that nothing was left behind from the procedure or that nothing ruptured.

In the event that you see the incision site opening, especially if there are stitches present, then you need to call the surgeon's office immediately. This is a significant risk for an infection to develop, and you could experience severe pain. If the site completely ruptures, then you want to get to the emergency room as soon as possible so that the area can be closed.

The surgeon will go over the procedure and any risks that you might experience while you're in the office for the pre-op appointment. This is the time when you need to ask about reasons to call the office. The doctor will give you details that are specific to the surgery that you're having done as everyone is different. If you have any kind of nausea, vomiting or dizziness, then you should give the office a call just to make sure that it's not a side effect of pain medications.


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